2Friends 2Fans
female Malaysia
15 years ago
thanks god ! stats exam was like a piece of cake only ! (dance)
lilulilala wishes
15 years ago
weipin good luck in her exam !
lilulilala is
15 years ago
exhausted !
lilulilala is
15 years ago 3
in pain ! why do women have to suffer from menstruation ? that isn't fair. AT ALL!
lilulilala is
15 years ago
truly believe that reality is not that cruel.
lilulilala thinks
15 years ago
you people are sick. SO SICK !
15 years ago
: did you just appear in a bubble ?
15 years ago
: school time !! :-))
lilulilala likes
15 years ago
ballet flats !
lilulilala hopes
15 years ago
it's not taking forever .