STAR035 Karma: 0.00
not stating / other
- Taiwan
獅子吼薰 Karma: 81.61
not stating / other
- Hualien City, Taiwan
傘☂️充電中低浮 Karma: 74.96
not stating / other
- Taipei, Taiwan
粉紅水晶兔🍡 Karma: 82.14
not stating / other
- 高雄, Taiwan
呱🍭交易用小帳 Karma: 0.00
not stating / other
- Taipei, Taiwan
呼拉玩娃 Karma: 87.64
not stating / other
- Taiwan
璃🦊 Karma: 67.45
- Taichung, Taiwan
牛牛 ·͜·ᰔᩚ Karma: 96.61
- The kingdom of Arendelle, Norway
Xc Karma: 90.84
not stating / other
- New Taipei, Taiwan