1Friends 2Fans
female Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
life_ko says
15 years ago
s0metimes he tends to misunderstand me... But i understand where he's c0ming fr0m. Its just really hard when you have too much differences..
life_ko feels
15 years ago
sleepy but can't sleep... somebody must be thinking about me... :-P
life_ko says
15 years ago
ur dreamy eyes just release me... let me go, let me go...
life_ko is
15 years ago
listening to great sounds... hmmmmmm... :-)
life_ko says
15 years ago
"i don't know what i'm getting into, but i'm taking my chance.. don't want to regret later on"
life_ko says
15 years ago
It's true that even if you are the 0ne 0n schedule, you still have to wait. C0z, you are n0t the pri0rity!!! Sad but true... :-(
life_ko hopes
15 years ago 4
that she will be invisible right now... :-(
life_ko is
15 years ago
T0rn between yes and n0.. Pressure! Pressure!
15 years ago
Had an intimate talk wid her habibi.. And is loving him m0re each day... :-)
life_ko feels
15 years ago 3
soooo happy.... its a nice feeling. hope it'l never end..