9Friends 22Fans
female Columbia, MO, United States
librarian, gamer, book lover, web2.0 fan, all around geek
librarianbyday is
16 years ago 1
home watching The Mist, read the book years ago, the book was good, the movie -e h
librarianbyday is
16 years ago 1
at work, it's my late night tonight :-(
librarianbyday is
16 years ago 1
using the crayon design layout in a PPT for teaching patrons about Flickr, Flickr is fun! Crayons are Fun!
16 years ago
needs a new pic, it's summer & I'm still wearing a turtle neck :-)
16 years ago
forgot about Plurk today, until just now, wth?
librarianbyday is
16 years ago
watching The Guardian
librarianbyday is
16 years ago
home from they gym and getting ready to watch a movie!
librarianbyday is
16 years ago 2
trying to spend less time in the net
librarianbyday loves
16 years ago
that she took today off work, it's so nice out!
librarianbyday feels
16 years ago
hungry but can't decide what to eat, maybe order pizza? hmmm