27Friends 4Fans
male Malolos, Philippines
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np: Mighty to save
LHAN [: says
14 years ago
"I am ALMIGHTY" -God (Genesis17:1) :-D
LHAN [: says
14 years ago
To "appreciate" means "to raise in value" Everytime you appreciate anyone, you raise their value.-
LHAN [: says
14 years ago
Everytime you take responsibility FOR someone,you take responsibility FROM them, creating dependency & weakening them.
LHAN [: says
14 years ago
"If you only serve when it's convenient for you, you're not a real servant. Real servants do what's needed, even when it's inconvenient. "
LHAN [: says
14 years ago
get high with GOD not with drugs [:
LHAN [: is
14 years ago
happy [:
LHAN [: says
14 years ago
antok na ko,.. bukas quh n lang tpusin mga tatyp quh [:
LHAN [: says
14 years ago
"When offended by others tell God, not gossipers.Take it to the Throne, not the phone!God reduces hurt.Gossips reinforce it."
LHAN [: says
14 years ago
"Fear is a self-imposed prison that will keep you from becoming what God intends for you to be."
LHAN [: says
14 years ago
"The greatest tragedy is not death, but life without purpose"