14Friends 8Fans
female Sterrett, AL, United States
She can paint a lovely picture,
but this story has a twist.
Her paintbrush is a razor,
and her canvas is her wrist.-After by Amy Efaw

I love God, art, and music. I also love reading! And people! :-)
JJ Heller - When Im With You - Boat Song - [Lyrics]
leslieannhanks hopes
13 years ago
a meteor decides to land on my school tomorrow... (goodluck)
leslieannhanks wishes
13 years ago
I could stay home and sleep today... (:
leslieannhanks is
13 years ago
enlightened. (tongue)
13 years ago
I am so tired..................
13 years ago
I have work tonight from 8:45 pm to 2:00 am tomorrow morning..... :-&
13 years ago 2
Can't wait for Haiti! (dance)
13 years ago
This weekend's gonna be busy...I wish I could quit my job just for the weekend...I don't think I'm gonna like inventory (unsure)
13 years ago
"But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection."-Colossians 3:14 (cozy)
13 years ago
deactivated my facebook and made a new one... (:
13 years ago
I miss my friends already! :'-(