2Friends 1Fans
male Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
leonghw says
15 years ago 2
taxi in KL/PJ overpampered
leonghw thinks
15 years ago
accounts job: 5 - 8k @ https://yellowelevator.c...
leonghw thinks
15 years ago
twitter + plurk = twurk
leonghw wonders
15 years ago
is plurk a dog? a dinosaur?
leonghw thinks
15 years ago
you're a genius if you can sell bulls***t to a bull
leonghw asks
15 years ago
the puffer fish's name = Mr. Fugu?
leonghw asks
15 years ago
where is Plurk's head?
leonghw asks
15 years ago
how do i get negative karma in Plurk?