34Friends 70Fans
female Manila, Philippines
A wishful thinker and colossal dreamer. I laugh hard. I hate stereotyping people.

I have this passion for writing. I love reading Paulo Coelho's masterpieces and Bob Ong's humorous and realistic themes.

I love life as a whole!
IamLenny says
15 years ago
karma down down down :-(
IamLenny thinks
15 years ago
that I can actually balance it :-)) so glad.
IamLenny is
15 years ago
going to school in awhile :-)
IamLenny is
15 years ago
home naoooo. :-)
IamLenny will
15 years ago
go to G4 with my sister in awhile. :-)
IamLenny will
15 years ago
do her homework in group dynamics. research!
IamLenny says
15 years ago
IamLenny has
15 years ago 1
just gotten home from the mall, facial day with sisters. :-)
IamLenny says
15 years ago
IamLenny says
15 years ago
kakauwi lang. grabeeeee. kapagoooood. :l