23Friends 15Fans
female Davao, Philippines
You are not responsible for what people think about you. But you are responsible for what you give them to think about you.

14 years ago
just woke up.. hahay nakarest na jud physically and mentally.. :-D
leizlmarie wants
14 years ago
to forget some things.. :-(
leizlmarie is
14 years ago 10
damn sleepy.. kaulion n ko.. :-(
leizlmarie will
14 years ago
keep on pretending.. a beautiful day ahead to all! :-D
leizlmarie says
14 years ago
loneliness has always been a friend of mine.. happiness, can you befriend me as well? (unsure)
leizlmarie says
14 years ago
gusto kong ngumiti pero di ko magawa.. :'-(
leizlmarie says
14 years ago
same sh*t, different day!
leizlmarie says
14 years ago
sunday's almost over.. monday na pud.. AYM.AFREYD for tomorrow.. kaw na bahala Lord.. tsktsk.. :'-(
14 years ago
:: midnight snack..
leizlmarie says
14 years ago
BACKPAIN, maluoy sakit na kaau ako likod.. go away na please.. tzu tzu! :'-(