Grrr... trying to update my blog sidebar; ftp across the new php file but old file still showing in browser, des..
Have just ordered copies of "I, Avatar" and "Coming of Age in Second Life" from local friendly bookshop
Creatively editing and printing some photos to hang on the office wall. No one else likes them. Oh well...
Up early (3am); couldn't sleep. Re-working presentation I'm giving to HR Directors later today.
Thinking of road-testing the latest version of Norton -- released today. Past experiences not good -- will the future be different?
Quitting the Adobe CS3 uninstall and trying again 'from the top'
AFK to make fresh latte, then upstairs to office to continue work on client site and a friend's Yr 12 psychology essay
AFK to make fresh latte, then upstairs to office to continue work on client site and a friend's Yr 12 psychology essay
Ordered a few geek t-shirts from cafepress for friends and myself
Ordered a few geek t-shirts from cafepress for friends and myself