Charlotte Lou
34Friends 4Fans
female Glasgow, Great Britain (UK)
Charlotte Lou says
9 years ago
ahdlahdpad too much cuteness at events
Charlotte Lou says
9 years ago
wooot new laptop i hope my overheating days are over!
Charlotte Lou says
9 years ago
noooooooooo its snowing again here :-(
Charlotte Lou was
9 years ago 3
Anyone rp at MM? Hows it go if your a kid and wanna go on that avi and just be teen for when your there?
Charlotte Lou is
9 years ago
Just going to crawl in a hole and hide kthnx world
Charlotte Lou says
9 years ago
Happy valentines day everyoneeee
Charlotte Lou says
9 years ago
omg i fficially have the coolest room ever cus my mommy is awesomeee and knows me so well :-D
Charlotte Lou 分享
9 years ago
Charlotte Lou says
9 years ago 1
welp we got a early start and home from cation, had a fantastic time just what i needed so pretty and relaxing there and always awesome to get to spend time with my mommy <33
Charlotte Lou says
9 years ago 4
so over rl people getting mad at me and calling me boring cus i wanna be in my own house X-( i work hard yes ok im not long back to work but you dont get to say ive only worked for a little its still tiring!