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male Trenton, NJ, United States
ldallara says
13 years ago
Say something about this link... www.colbybrownphotograph...
ldallara says
13 years ago
Mystery Kiss on a park bench in Paris. https://www.louisdallara... http:/...
ldallara says
13 years ago
Facebook May Cause Psychological Disorders, Study Says A recent study showed that teens who use Facebook heavily show more narcissisti...
ldallara says
13 years ago
Feeling the need for some action shots. https://lh5.googleuserco......
ldallara says
13 years ago
Remember everything with "Everynotes" now where do I put it??? if only I could find my Everynotes lol
ldallara says
13 years ago
I wanted, you hear :-) www.archello.com/en/proj...
ldallara says
13 years ago
The Observer watching another observer, observing the Spot from a vanishing point in the The Versailles castle in Paris France, https:...