12Friends 1Fans
female Mill Hill, Great Britain (UK)
Just an average teenage girl. :-)
Lyra has
12 years ago
so much homework. Damnit xD
Lyra is
12 years ago 36
back from DofE... so much rain and it was sooo cold O_O
Lyra says
12 years ago 6
tomorrow ellewestley and I have a DofE trip.. which consists of walking (most likely in the rain)... I hate english weather so much xD
Lyra says
12 years ago
my heart sinks as I see another new update plurk from Mama CP. Why? Because she's most likely going to bomboard us with more feels xD
Lyra is
12 years ago
excited for glee tonight! :-D Whitney ep + Britanna love song = AWESOME.
Lyra has
12 years ago
just arrived and is reading the Dalton Games thread... woah intenseness is intense xD
Lyra has
12 years ago
brewed a potion without blowing up a cauldron. SCORE. (rock)
Lyra says
12 years ago 1
Know how there's a Tuesday Face in SPN? here I thought I'd make one on CP killing us with feels everyday xD
Lyra has
12 years ago 3
just had an epiphany/theory. Not as huge as Logan's, or Derek's, but it's Dalton-related... it's about the Potato-obsession. Sooooo....
Lyra says
12 years ago
WOO RAVENCLAW (dance) I'm logging off plurk to spend more time on Pottermore... because I'm so cool like that :-P