4Friends 8Fans
female Leeds, Great Britain (UK)
Showing a smile is easy but a sincere smile from heart is far more arduous.=3
LMin is
14 years ago
really 火大wif my work X-(
LMin says
14 years ago
累到眼睛睜不開 (:
LMin hopes
14 years ago
to get rid of the trouble,you! (wave)
LMin is
14 years ago
going to enjoy sunshine tomoro and having picnic on Sunday!!Wheeeeeh!!! (dance)
LMin hopes
14 years ago
to rest well and then work well today! :-)
LMin says
14 years ago
明天還要繼續玩一整天!(will be having great fun till this Sunday!) :-)
LMin says
14 years ago
exhausted alrd!Why still cannot sleep early?! (angry)
LMin feels
14 years ago
so bad today!!! (annoyed)
LMin is
14 years ago
trying to sleep early!!but,how??!!! :-&
LMin is
14 years ago
going to deal wif long list of work on easter :-&