65Friends 29Fans
female Jakarta, Indonesia
Name: Lani Birth date: September 21, 1993 age 16 Height: 167cm Hobby/interest: reading, listening to music, playing guitar, play baseball Specialty/Still learn:English, Mandarin language.
Thanks for visit my profile and wants to be my friend
15 years ago
I have no energy to even get out of bed. kekeke^^ Must... Eat...
lani wishes
15 years ago
Anybody wanna bring me food? Heeehh?
lani hopes
15 years ago
I hope this day God gives grace,so that everyone can feel happiness, too, amen.(hopefully this is a benevolence to 17th years)
lani hopes
15 years ago
; tomorrow is my birthday. hope everyone can join the happy (including me), and I hope my wish can come true, amen. (16th years)
lani says
15 years ago
downpour , before the big day Islam. hopefully this is his blessing and mercy
lani asks
15 years ago
why is not working as prospects?
lani says
15 years ago
tired of drama
lani feels
15 years ago
: mereka selalu ada
lani asks
15 years ago
kenapa smw blg "kangen lani'' ?