71Friends 33Fans
female Newton, KS, United States
Wife, mother, daughter, friend, teacher, instructional designer, technology enthusiast who looks at the positve side of life.
lampy is
15 years ago
setting my computer classes up on Blackboard and unluckily I am having to enter all the students' passwords by hand. Yuck! (angry)
lampy is
15 years ago 12
replurking... really need your ideas on the following question:
lampy is
15 years ago 8
wondering if we are really going to get as much snow as they are predicting?
lampy is
15 years ago 1
watching American Idol. Who do you think will go home tonight?
lampy wonders
15 years ago
what type of curriculum, sites, etc. districts are using to teach online safety to both staff and students.
lampy is
15 years ago 4
excited that one of our tech guys got the problem fixed with EDMODO! My 8th grade computers students are excited to use it:-)
lampy is
15 years ago 4
plurking while eating lunch:-)
lampy is
15 years ago 8
wondering what you would say if you were asked the following:
lampy is
15 years ago 1
going to finish watching the rest of Idol and then off to bed. Good night all, sleep tight:-)
15 years ago
watching dvr'd American Idol. Love Adam!! (dance)