14Friends 52Fans
female Fredericksburg, VA, United States
ladyozma says
14 years ago
Found my old 4g ipod (my first one) and gave it to Joram to disect. It hasn't worked in like 4 years. He somehow fixed it! Wow!
ladyozma says
14 years ago
My awesome fortune: 3 can keep a secret, if you kill two.
ladyozma says
14 years ago
Hmmm, It would appear our exchange student has an appt at the high school...but she is back in Thailand. Somehow I don't see her making it.
ladyozma says
14 years ago
Caramon is arguing with eagle scout paperwork...again. Poor kid has filled this thing out like three times now. I gotta say - he's dedicated
ladyozma says
14 years ago
Went to market, visited one of my Sisters, fed and took missionary photo, trash taken to dump, and ate dinner with friends! Great day!
ladyozma says
14 years ago
Productive day! Took boys to a movie and helped one of the YW start her desk build. Now trying to find dinner inspiration and my m
ladyozma says
14 years ago
My day was super productive and I am getting tired. I think I will curl up with my book and some water and a comfy quilt! #perfectnight
ladyozma says
14 years ago
Once again save our family night! We were totally lost on these primary songs. (Sad since I knew just as many as my lifer guys!)
ladyozma says
14 years ago
I suppose I should check my home voice mail more often because I have stuff on here from May! Yikes!
ladyozma says
14 years ago
To all those at the Boy Scout Jamboree: Have fun and stay hydrated! My boys wish they were there so bad they can practically taste it!