49Friends 14Fans
female Koronadal, Philippines
♥♥♥ A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesnt believe, and leaves before she is left.♥♥♥
..NevEr Qu!t...
NevEr g!vE up...
'cAuSe pA!ns !s tEmpOrAry yEt
FA!Lure !s pErmAnEnt...:-)
♫♫]▓▓║♥ jOllimaE ♥ ║▓▓[♫♫
LutO moDe.. haha
updatinG my plUrk again.. hahe
"lEarn tO apPreciAte wAt u hAve, befOre timE fOrceS u 2apPreciAte wAt u lOst."
" ThEre will be no another now.. So make the most of today"..
goOd mOrninG..
misS qOh mag plUrk.. uhHmmm..
gUd evE gUys..
got to go..