26Friends 161Fans
female Ithaca, NY, United States
Proprietress of Llady Llama Fiber Co. Spinner,dyer, knitter and crocheter; a Fiber Artist who works as a barista to pay the bills. I live with my fiancé who is a freelance Illustrator.
LladyLlama asks
10 years ago
who is doing Spinzilla this year? I didn't jump in last year but I am thinking of signing up to spin rouge this year...even though it's right before the wedding, because I am crazy. :-))
LladyLlama says
10 years ago
good morning everyone! Having a lazy start to my day off.
LladyLlama says
10 years ago
good afternoon Plurkies! Work was crazy but now I am home and it's time to knit for a little and unwind.
LladyLlama says
10 years ago
so there is something wrong with our hot water heater. Tried to relight the pilot with the Landlandy and now she is calling "a man." Is it just me or does this sound sketchy?
LladyLlama says
10 years ago
Good morning everyone! Slow morning at the coffee shop so I'm getting lots of cleaning done! (gym)
LladyLlama says
10 years ago
LladyLlama says
10 years ago
eating an early dinner since we are off to watch the SufferJets kick butt tonight at the roller derby bout!
LladyLlama says
10 years ago
A late good morning to everyone! We've been slammed here at the coffee shop. Only 2 hours and 15 minutes to go!
LladyLlama says
10 years ago
off to try on my wedding dress and get Rach measured for hers.
LladyLlama says
10 years ago
Knitting & drinking some Forty Weight coffee, next packing up orders and show planning.