26Friends 161Fans
female Ithaca, NY, United States
Proprietress of Llady Llama Fiber Co. Spinner,dyer, knitter and crocheter; a Fiber Artist who works as a barista to pay the bills. I live with my fiancé who is a freelance Illustrator.
LladyLlama says
10 years ago 1
there were shenanigans with my Lady's car having a flat this morning. (annoyed)
LladyLlama shares
10 years ago 7
Spent some time at the lake the other day knitting on my Song of the Sea cowl.
LladyLlama says
10 years ago 1
Good morning all!
LladyLlama says
10 years ago 1
Lunch time! Made the barista chicas some japanese-style iced coffee from one of our seasonal blends.
LladyLlama says
10 years ago
Good morning everyone! Just another day at the coffee shop.
LladyLlama says
10 years ago
Good morning everyone
LladyLlama says
10 years ago
A late good morning to you all. It's been another busy morning at the coffee shop!
LladyLlama shares
10 years ago 2
TdF progress:
LladyLlama says
10 years ago 1
good morning everyone! Today is going to be filled with wedding planning errands.
LladyLlama says
10 years ago
home from a hectic day at the coffee shop and I must have spilled more on myself than usual because the cats keep licking my shins, maybe it's chai syrup. I think a shower is in order. #baristaproblems