26Friends 161Fans
female Ithaca, NY, United States
Proprietress of Llady Llama Fiber Co. Spinner,dyer, knitter and crocheter; a Fiber Artist who works as a barista to pay the bills. I live with my fiancé who is a freelance Illustrator.
LladyLlama shares
10 years ago
Yesterday's TdF progress. "Hexadecimal" all plied and skeined!
LladyLlama says
10 years ago 3
well, the hatches are battened down, we'll see what this weather pattern throws at us.
LladyLlama says
10 years ago
just received a tornado warning for our area.
LladyLlama shares
10 years ago 6
Yesterday's TdF progress while at Spinner's Guild.
LladyLlama says
10 years ago
A late good morning to you all. It's been a busy Sunday here at the coffee shop.
LladyLlama shares
10 years ago 5
I'm behind on posting TdF pics here so here's the last few day's progress for those interested.
LladyLlama says
10 years ago
Good morning everyone! Getting ready to go to Spinner's Guild today.
LladyLlama says
10 years ago 1
Had a wicked storm blow through a few hours ago that knocked out our power until now. I guess a tornado touched down about an hour away too.
LladyLlama shares
10 years ago 1

My TdF Day 3 progress. Some of my SW Merino in "Fairy Flutter" that is destined to become a show sample.
LladyLlama shares
10 years ago 1
My TdF Day 2 progress. A little behind in sharing these.