61Friends 27Fans
female Jamestown, NY, United States
Mom to 4, future midwife
laFunk says
15 years ago 6
it's been quite some time since I updated. Working full time, just got my A.S., going to start on Bachelors, AND...
laFunk has
16 years ago 8
a new job! FINALLY! I'm a barista at a college coffee shop. :-D
laFunk has
16 years ago 5
another job interview tomorrow.
laFunk says
16 years ago
Magic The Gathering party tonight.
laFunk says
16 years ago
I went for a bike ride around the cematary where Lucy (I love Lucy) is buried. Very pretty, and nice hills. Good workout.
laFunk says
16 years ago 2
I was invited to a drag show. Thinking about drag kinging it up.
laFunk says
16 years ago 3
I never seem to stay single for long.
laFunk asks
16 years ago 2
is it bad that I'm addicted to my little kids' video game (My Sims)?
laFunk says
16 years ago
laFunk says
16 years ago 2
I was cleaning for hours last night, wondering What has gotten into me?! Then I took another swig out of an almost empty Diet Pepsi Max 2L.