Kux C.
113Friends 138Fans
female Quezon City, Philippines
Kux C.
6 years ago
my dear shopee buyers, bayaran nyo na books, fles? (LOL)
Kux C.
6 years ago
Karada rocks!!
Kux C.
6 years ago 2
Wow ha, kudos to LTO for a very fast car registration process. I was done for the whole thing within an hour. (dance_bzz)
Kux C.
6 years ago
Gotta wake up very early tomorrow for my car registration.
Kux C.
6 years ago
terrible traffic morning. just arrived in the office. left qc 8:30 am. X-(
Kux C. sells
6 years ago 3
Pre-loved books! 👍🏽❤️ https://images.plurk.com/509AhC0YatO2ODoKdq05.jpg
Kux C.
6 years ago
got in an argument with my officemate just now -- he was insisting there's a "Shakey's Special" pizza flavor. I was insisting na Greenwich Special yun, hindi sa Shakey's. I lost. Apparently, meron nga ding Shakey's Special. Too much for originality. Haha.
Kux C.
6 years ago
posted this on Oct 21, 2011. Still very relevant until now. https://images.plurk.com/5bsEBmYUtLH0pPlbdq05.jpg
Kux C.
6 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/5SO5An43EC3gOHIodq05.jpg wow, almost 10 years na account ko sa plurk. haha
Kux C.
6 years ago
my trip from my house to the office took <30 mins this morning. (panic)