So... I guess I need to kick into high gear to finish my Rafiel costume and the wings that go with it. The second type of feathers I ordered are in Bethpage and will be here later this week. GO GO GO TIME!
Random thought: As I am about to cosplay as Jack Frost, I start to wonder how many foot fetishists will be like "Oooh feets!", even if attached to a cosplayer. I shouldn't let my mind wander like this.
Balls... I have 2 costumes I haven't formally booked a photographer for at Katsucon. I asked one friend if she could snap a few pics of my Alvin. The other one is Jack Frost. While a fun costume, I don't feel
Soooo, the next Ice Age. Pretty sure this is happening, at least in my area. I didn't post this but today we had a 2hr. delay due to subzero temps + windchill pushing the "feels like" temps below -26.
As per my FB update at 5:20am - 3 day work week? Don't mind if I do. They closed my district today what with our persistent temps of -30 with windchill. Already slept in, now trying to finish 1 costume.
Internet radio station is on fire tonight: First they played Chariots of Fire, now they're playing a song from Princess Bride. SO MUCH AWESOME AND SO MANY FEELS.