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kreezteen says
14 years ago
LOVE will b return after hate !
kreezteen says
14 years ago
kreezteen says
14 years ago
You are so FAKE. Are you sure you aren't MADE in CHINA ? :-P
kreezteen says
14 years ago
we are commonly scared of losing someone. but what is better? losing someone? Or losing yourself for someone? THINK... (annoyed)
kreezteen says
14 years ago
" You won't get indigestion by swallowing your pride ". <3 (cozy)
kreezteen says
14 years ago
if u wnt improvements in ur must b willing to scrifice d OLD for NEW. knw someone somewhere else. and do something else. :-)
kreezteen says
14 years ago
is thinking she would like to be a cat so that she can sleep all day and party all night and never have to pay any bills
kreezteen says
14 years ago
Party Mode - [ON] OFF (dance)
kreezteen says
14 years ago 1
People say you learn from your mistakes, so why aren't you a genius by now? (wave)
kreezteen says
14 years ago
Life is too short to be wasted on "what ifs" and "what could have been". Focus on "what is" and "what can be avoided" and "what you want"