salah cukur jenggot jd lenyap..
i'm all done, now im just sit beside her and waiting.. tiing.. ting...
The basis of optimism are beliefs and see things from a positive side, reduce the negativity
Happy New Yaer 2010, New spirit and New Revolutiion
spending the last hours in 2009 watching Avatar 3D with Her..
i can, if you believe i can
abis dipoles trus kehujanan,, sekarang waktunya dicuci lagi..
baru juga td pagi moles mobil,, langsung keguyur ujan,, nasib ooh.. nasib...
C230 SW'97 bukanya 220jt ?? yg bener ajee.. ketinggian jauh bgt dr pasaran.. turun lah om!
I can, if I believe I can....