194Friends 149Fans
male Singapore
Life is a Joke. Laugh at it! .... or at me.

I love long distance running, technology and social media and I try to marry all 3. Weird I know. :-P
krisandro says
13 years ago 7
Oh yes! Registered my interest for the iPhone 4S with Singtel. Why is there no option to indicate tt I am holding a freaking 3GS? :-P
krisandro says
13 years ago 1
Fat cat gave the office a scare earlier by attempting to parade on the balcony railings. Time to indicate a weight limit on it.
krisandro says
13 years ago 4
It's a little disappointing to not wake up to the rumoured iPhone 5 but as a 3GS user myself, the iPhone 4S is a MAJOR upgrade.
krisandro shares
13 years ago 2
Snake with OCD. cheezdailysquee.files.wo...
krisandro says
13 years ago
I almost spelled "curry puffs" as "curry paths". The latter sounds like an interesting route to take.
krisandro shares
13 years ago 3
Better safe than sorry... chzmemebase.files.wordpr...
krisandro says
13 years ago
1.5hrs on a bus can shift one's healthy dinner thoughts to something really sinful.
krisandro says
13 years ago
Pierre Cardin boxer briefs, this is the last wedgie u will ever give me. BURN!!!
krisandro says
13 years ago 2
Old school shanghai music sound like they fit perfectly in a Fallout game.