bismillahirrahimanirrahim... ^_^
wow.. same genre and place as Chaos;Head.. hehehehe.. hopefully this anime able to satisfy my insanity.. Steins;Gate.. waiting for it... ^_^
downloading warcraft patch 1.26... hopefully this will fix my problem... @_@
tambah 1 bulan lagi magangnya... tapi tetep tgh April aku mau pulang... ^_^
huaaaa... masak Infinite Stratos udah final sih Episode 12 ini... T_T
huaaaa... Infinite Stratos episode 12 sub English dah keluar... tapi nunggu versi irit nya aja... ~_~
baru denger pembicaraan di dekatku... A: "atos pak?" B: "atos..." aku: mwuehehehehehehe... mantap(dalam hati sambil nyekikik...)
stlh stgh jam ngelu cari cara buat ngembaliin save file as CompuServeGIF di CS3 stlh ku uthak-athik setting CS3 ku.. akhirnya ketemu.. >_<