18Friends 140Fans
male Indonesia
There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love

kojitabe says
12 years ago
Kalo tau bakal error mending gak usah ganti batre.. (annoyed)
kojitabe asks
12 years ago
Dang! Can anyone understand me?!
12 years ago
just watched "twelve monkeys" it makes me wonder about the future
kojitabe says
12 years ago 1
tadi kekenyangan,sekarang kelaparan,mencoba bertahan.. ~kriuk...kriuk~
kojitabe says
12 years ago 1
if i have to choose between you and gadget,i will choose you... And i will save my money to buy gadget later (LOL)
kojitabe says
12 years ago
kojitabe says
12 years ago 1
thank you for the great moment...
kojitabe says
12 years ago
i'm just like Thor without his hammer,i'm just a freak which has no mind efek kebanyakan nonton film (LOL)
kojitabe thinks
12 years ago
an intuition sometimes doesn't make sense,but sometimes it sense better..
kojitabe thinks
12 years ago 1
for some people,a helmet maybe a luxurious stuff,that's why they need to steal to have it..