The Jake
44Friends 305Fans
male Manila (mostly), but always in Cebu, Philippines
Draws, Writes, Plays violin, piano, guitar, whistles (with mouth), has 4 novels, loves novels and movies and music, makes comics for Avatar and others... Wants to be an astronaut... hyperventilating... can't breathe... too many words...
The Jake shares
10 years ago 2
Had a lot of lulz drawing this character out (LOL)
The Jake says
10 years ago 3
Damn. It's definitely corporate and I do have to submit to the whims of the client. But damn if I have to treat my audience like every sparkly commercial that's afraid to be solemn or contemplative. sigh
The Jake says
10 years ago 5
I GOT REDDIT GOLD O_O Quick! I have no idea what to do with it. Is it money? Can I convert it to cash. Or is it just a thing?
The Jake says
10 years ago
I miss the days when, every other day, I was learning some new dance move. Wait. I'm an adult. This is a problem I can now throw some money to :-)
The Jake says
10 years ago 14
Was doing a corporate pitch yesterday when the person I talked to said she knew me. I asked how and she said it was thru you redchocolate . Her name's "Amore." Do you know said person? O_o
The Jake says
10 years ago
Dragons of Tarkir!
The Jake says
10 years ago 3
Something classy for you cats of the late night B-) All About That [Upright] Bass - Jazz Meghan Trainor ...
The Jake says
10 years ago 59
Wow O_O 200 responses. I guess that's what I get for not coming here often.
The Jake says
10 years ago 5
Dear Lord. Went to the gym after a long absence of exercise. Got sick immediately the day after coupled with expected muscle atrophy. It was not good (sick)