277Friends 135Fans
female Tucson, AZ, United States
knitter, spinner, needleworker, cat & bunny owner

My Ravelry ID is knittingbunnies,
Read about my adventures at
knittingkitties says
9 years ago 6
Good morning, off to work.
knittingkitties says
9 years ago 3
good night
knittingkitties says
9 years ago 3
the baked mac & cheese has bacon it. :-P (woot)
knittingkitties shares
9 years ago 4

Roommate and granddaughter made homemade bread and rolls. Now they are making homemade mac & cheese together.
knittingkitties says
9 years ago 2
I need to stop getting sick and missing days of work. I really need to save the money to move and separate households before I totally lose it.
knittingkitties says
9 years ago 2
Got to leave work early. (woot) Which is good because I walked by someone wearing a whole bottle of Axe and choked. :-&
knittingkitties says
9 years ago 6
Good morning. No three day weekend for me, headed to work.
knittingkitties says
9 years ago 4
Good night everyone.
knittingkitties shares
9 years ago 7

Spent the weekend stitching
knittingkitties shares
9 years ago 7

It will burn up next weekend.