Just started Outlook. Boy, was that ever a pain in the neck. And by neck I mean a**. And by a** I mean ass.
The saying 'make war, not love' really makes sense: during war, companies, and hence you, make money, and with money you can buy love. #241
Now applauding my decision to stay up past 2. Not regretting at all.
At least we didn't lose. Also, we didn't not win.
Anybody else been hit by a torrent of spam account registrations in WordPress today? I've gotten 50+ registrations today, up from ~1 a day.
Plan for today and tomorrow: take a 33 pages paper and shorten it to a readable 25 pages paper. Then submit it. Fun.
Preparing for open sourcing around 73000 lines of Beta code and 8700 lines of SML code. Because that's what the world needs: more Beta code.
I've reduced my monthly iTunes bill to like a fifth. Only problem is that it is now in € instead of DKK.
Is it wrong that I'm amused that my log file for non-deterministic runs is called logn?