27Friends 104Fans
I've abandoned Plurk because of the karma system and the move towards a look that more and more resembles MySpace anno 2005.

Visit my homepage at westergaard.eu, follow me on Twitter twitter.com/klafbang or on Facebook facebook.com/klafbang
13 years ago
Open-sourcing CPN Tools bit.ly/focG8J
13 years ago
Just started Outlook. Boy, was that ever a pain in the neck. And by neck I mean a**. And by a** I mean ass.
13 years ago
The saying 'make war, not love' really makes sense: during war, companies, and hence you, make money, and with money you can buy love. #241
13 years ago 2
Now applauding my decision to stay up past 2. Not regretting at all.
13 years ago
At least we didn't lose. Also, we didn't not win.
13 years ago
Anybody else been hit by a torrent of spam account registrations in WordPress today? I've gotten 50+ registrations today, up from ~1 a day.
13 years ago
Plan for today and tomorrow: take a 33 pages paper and shorten it to a readable 25 pages paper. Then submit it. Fun.
13 years ago
Preparing for open sourcing around 73000 lines of Beta code and 8700 lines of SML code. Because that's what the world needs: more Beta code.
13 years ago
I've reduced my monthly iTunes bill to like a fifth. Only problem is that it is now in € instead of DKK.
13 years ago 2
Is it wrong that I'm amused that my log file for non-deterministic runs is called logn?