7Friends 21Fans
female Gillette, WY, United States
Part-time software trainer, full time aunt. Love Stargate Atlantis, Project Runway, and most of the other 'crime shows'. Dabbles in the business of fanfic (mostly LotR) and rpgs elves. Owned by a cat (or three) and a dog.
kkhubb says
13 years ago
And another maintenance plurk!
kkhubb says
13 years ago
I promise to plurk for real again soon.
kkhubb says
13 years ago
So I think my limit is 2 Lifetime movies per month. What's yours?
kkhubb says
13 years ago
And one more karma plurk
kkhubb says
13 years ago
yeah, another plurk for karma
kkhubb says
14 years ago
Plurk for karma maint
kkhubb says
14 years ago
Oops, forgot to plurk yesterday. Oh well.
kkhubb says
14 years ago
Just a maintenance plurk. Fresh out of ideas right now.
kkhubb says
14 years ago
EARWORM of the DAY: Streets of Laredo (Smothers Brothers version!)
kkhubb says
14 years ago