44Friends 9Fans
female Absecon, NJ, United States
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kittystreet says
13 years ago
Omfg. Almost fell asleep. Damn tired.. Anyway Chengxia if you see this, pls reply my sms!!! :-( Xie xie...
kittystreet says
13 years ago
Then just now sit beside a A elderly then she keep whispering and mumble to herself! Cb u tell me scary or not?!?
kittystreet says
13 years ago
970 FILLED WITH FUCKING WEIRD PPL LA CB! fuck. Sitting beside this psycho bitch.
kittystreet says
13 years ago
It's sad when you lose respect for someone, because you know you can never talk normally to the person ever again.
kittystreet says
13 years ago
Freaking 3 hours every friday? I can die. Dumb ass. Hate my school and their bloody concerns. -'-
kittystreet says
13 years ago
It's freaking cold in the comp lab.. Oh and fuck, I'm included in some retarded programme the school assign me too.
kittystreet says
13 years ago
kittystreet says
13 years ago
It hurts when you want to stand up but reality keeps pushing you to fall. What do you do?
kittystreet says
13 years ago
I'm good at cheering people up but when it comes to myself, I always feel so useless. Hopeless.
kittystreet says
13 years ago
Shall go home and cry it all out. Face reality, the truth will hurt, whether u like it or not.