28Friends 9Fans
female VALENZUELA city :)), Philippines
i was the little girl who always got what she wanted.Now,
i live my life happily with
my limits,my love,my smiles & I laugh at people who try to stop me.
I'm banged up,
mentally and emotionally literally and metaphorically
kittiemei_o11 likes
14 years ago
If I die, I'll ask one of my friends to keep updating my status just to creep people out.
kittiemei_o11 says
14 years ago
If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.
kittiemei_o11 was
14 years ago
I spend all my time living in the NOW, not in the "way back when" or the "one day when."
kittiemei_o11 feels
14 years ago
Im a pretty girl with a great personality.. but i know better, you're not really interested in me. </3
kittiemei_o11 says
14 years ago
A bad picture is taken of you, and your first reaction is always "DON'T YOU DARE PUT THAT ON FACEBOOK!"
14 years ago
That awkward moment when the doctor asks you if you’re sexually active in front of your mom.
kittiemei_o11 feels
14 years ago
It's hurts to think of him every second of every day... When I know he's not thinking of me...
kittiemei_o11 says
14 years ago
Few are those who think with their own minds and feel with their own hearts --Einstein said that (he knew more than numbers)
kittiemei_o11 says
14 years ago
Sometimes, I wonder how life would be if you've never met the person who has changes your life so much. :-)
kittiemei_o11 wants
14 years ago
You have two ears and one mouth. Use them wisely and accordingly. (LOL)