k|ra a|ko
40Friends 26Fans
female Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Pessimistically optimistic. That mostly sums me up :-)
k|ra a|ko
12 years ago
Poverty cannot exist when you have a rich imagination. The future is shaped in the mind before it is chiseled with our hands.
k|ra a|ko
12 years ago
You may have chemistry with her, but you have history with me.
k|ra a|ko
12 years ago
They don’t miss you when you’re gone. They miss you when you move on.
k|ra a|ko
12 years ago
Give your heart and soul to me, and life will always be la vie en rose ♥
k|ra a|ko
12 years ago
I've fought for how I love you.
k|ra a|ko
12 years ago
Friends. Hmmm...
k|ra a|ko
12 years ago
Basically Kimmie aka Fuzzywuzzy when I stroke her like this. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5mhcynp3r1qb3fe7.gif
k|ra a|ko
12 years ago
How do I get to where I want from here?