k|ra a|ko
40Friends 26Fans
female Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Pessimistically optimistic. That mostly sums me up :-)
k|ra a|ko
12 years ago
To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead. -Thomas Paine
k|ra a|ko
12 years ago
Be careful because people that you think are your friends can fuck you over.
k|ra a|ko
12 years ago
You can learn a lot about somebody by listening to a song that means something to them.
k|ra a|ko
12 years ago
saying "everything will be fine" (with a hug) is more meaningful than saying 'i love you' .
k|ra a|ko
12 years ago
Keep your friends close and your enemies so close that you're almost kissing.
k|ra a|ko
12 years ago
You make everything not as horrible.
k|ra a|ko
12 years ago
The best is yet to come.............
k|ra a|ko
12 years ago
I didn't fall. I attacked the floor.
k|ra a|ko
12 years ago
That moment when you have a great idea but no artistic skills. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m2um9a1YIk1r1zku0.gif