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kimojordan41 says
13 years ago
E. Morozov: "#Chinese politicians are already talking up information sovereignty." [The Net Delusion] Internet Books dld.bz/RfZP
kimojordan41 says
13 years ago
Evgeny Morozov: "The Internet is a confusing news junkyard." [The Net Delusion] Politics Nonfiction Books dld.bz/RfZP
kimojordan41 says
13 years ago
Preston Pysh receives the single highest honor a member of the military can receive... [Stephen Colbert Report Books] dld.bz/NJXt
kimojordan41 says
13 years ago
Donald Rumsfeld agrees that the Bush administration showed a face of certainty in presenting .. [Daily Show Authors] dld.bz/PwcN
kimojordan41 says
13 years ago
Another explanation for dark energy is that it is a new kind of dynamical energy fluid or field. NASA NSF SciFri dld.bz/HDrF
kimojordan41 says
13 years ago
Those who want to create their posts can always do so. Linkvana dld.bz/QjUP
kimojordan41 says
13 years ago
Eric Kandel: ".. biology turned its attention to its loftiest goal.." [Charlie Rose Books] Brain Mind dld.bz/PCZC
kimojordan41 says
13 years ago
Robert Reich believes America can't get out of the recession until the circle of prosperity.. [#Colbert Report Books] dld.bz/NJXt
kimojordan41 says
13 years ago
Barack Obama: "I agreed to take a year off after graduation to put my thoughts to paper." [Dreams from My Father] dld.bz/N3KY
kimojordan41 says
13 years ago
Brian Greene: "... may be spawning universe upon universe and may continue to do so for.." [The Hidden Reality] Books dld.bz/RVp4