♡ dorottya
64Friends 87Fans
female London, Great Britain (UK)
There are certain emotions in your body that not even your best friend can sympathize with , but you will find the right film or the right book , and it will understand you.
♡ dorottya
9 years ago 5
I hate risky texts.
♡ dorottya
9 years ago 5
sixpenceee.com/post/1328... az utolsó két mondatot elolvastam egy párszor mire megértettem ugh
♡ dorottya
9 years ago 16
I look so good on this picture????
♡ dorottya
9 years ago 1
Harold Pinter The Birthday Party-jarol, meg Mike Leigh Abigail's Party-jarol tartottunk ma prezentaciot, igy ugy dontottuk hogy megadjuk a hangulatot hozza
♡ dorottya
9 years ago 5
you know 2016 will suck when all the greatest artists decide to leave this planet
♡ dorottya
9 years ago 4
♡ dorottya
9 years ago 1
♡ dorottya
9 years ago 1
♡ dorottya
9 years ago 11
jövõhéten karácsony wtf