Everyone should listen to that song last thing they do before they go to bed. I may make this a habitual thing. VERY relaxing. Zen
Winding down from a long day with Enigma - Return to innocence. How is there any better way to philosophize about life?
Haven't decided yet. Ok good night!
Btw when I lay here in my bed updating my status from my blackberry I feel like either run dmc from runs house or Sara Jessica Par
For my company that is. Hopefully it will help lots of people in the future with their business endeavor!
Teaser: I started my list of important dates blog unofficially today. Has lots of juicy stuff in there. Can't wait until I get to release it
I would say I get on avg. 15 emails every single day. That makes me proud because it means I learn a lot and I got good informatio
Pawnstars get 4 out of 5 for a good TV show. And sherlock gets a full 5. Right now I'm getting my 2nd walk of the night.
Just got done watching all my netflix movies. 2 full dvds of pawnstars. And sherlock Holmes