Kim Curry
41Friends 16Fans
female Creston, IA, United States
I am a Technology Director and Integration Specialist for the Mount Ayr, Iowa Community School District. I have a passion for technology and showing teachers how to use it in the classroom to engage all learners.
Kim Curry says
12 years ago 6
Making last minute adjustments to my presentations tomorrow and Friday at the 21st Century Learners Conference here in Southern Iowa
Kim Curry wonders
12 years ago
if anyone knows of resources for creating apps for the ipads?
Kim Curry wonders
12 years ago 5
What are some free resources for creation on the web?
Kim Curry
12 years ago 1
Getting ready to have our staff do their first staff share since going 9-12 1:1. So exciting. Can't wait to see what they are doing.
Kim Curry shares
12 years ago
Check this out.
Kim Curry shares
12 years ago 1
Found out this weekend I got my Google Certified Trainer...all the possibilities now, I can see it. So excited!
Kim Curry shares
12 years ago
Video Contest for the kiddos.
Kim Curry says
12 years ago 1
Have a great week! Can't believe this is the last week of September!
Kim Curry says
12 years ago
have a great weekend!
Kim Curry shares
12 years ago
Practical Money Skill is a website full of games that allow students to practice Financial Literacy. www.practicalmoneyskills...