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female Philadelphia, PA, United States
Knitting, genealogy, and the other important stuff...

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Ravelry: killearnan
15 years ago
lancaster county is gorgeous on a bright sunny morning!
killearnan is
15 years ago
off to resist some fiber (oooh...alpaca!) and then meet up for an outlet expedition....
15 years ago
aaahhhhh.... Shabbat. An oasis of sanity in a crazy life. Now refreshed and ready for a busy (but fun!) week :-D
15 years ago
looks forward to Shabbat every week. But some weeks it's arrival is even more welcome than usual. Yup, this is one of the *more* weeks :-D
15 years ago
running late from genealogy digging but did make it to knit night!
15 years ago
another sign of small-town-ness: quarter gets 2 hrs. at meter
killearnan says
15 years ago
one sign of a s town: county courthouse offices close for lunch.
killearnan says
15 years ago
she can see why this part of PA bills itself as "Endless Mtns"
killearnan is
15 years ago
off for a day of genealogy digging. Yeah for random vacation days taken just for fun! (dance)
15 years ago
managed to make both a synagogue committee meeting and the local crafters' night this evening; not quite 2 places at once but close. (LOL)