28Friends 31Fans
13 years ago 5
office coordinators walks to my desk with letter package on hand and asks me: "is this francis you?" sagot ako ng: "i'm not you!" (doh)
kikumantsing says
13 years ago
data analysis while (: is no fun :-&
kikumantsing needs
13 years ago
coffee (woot) (:
kikumantsing is
13 years ago
bangag na :-&
13 years ago 2
in the office: an irish on the phone describes an employee as *an empty vessel clanks the loudest* :-o sino kaya yun? (thinking)
kikumantsing is
13 years ago
still (:
kikumantsing says
13 years ago
ang aga-aga ko sa trabaho :-& drinking tea kahit bawal sa production line (woot)
kikumantsing says
13 years ago
got to sleep, pasok pa ng 4am sa office (woot)
kikumantsing says
13 years ago
sa lahat ng mga tatay/itay/papa na nagpunla at nagbigay buhay sa inyong mga anak: happy father's day to you!