15Friends 9Fans
male Los Baños, Philippines
khevz08 says
15 years ago
work work.
khevz08 says
15 years ago
today (technically, yesterday) is a very tiring day. :-( Goodnight people.
khevz08 is
15 years ago 1
still at work. Friggin' Caravan the whole day tomorrow. I need to make up for the time that it'll consume. brrr. :-o
khevz08 says
15 years ago 1
work work. :-o
khevz08 is
15 years ago 1
still OT-ing. :-o
khevz08 is
15 years ago
friggin' sleepy. :-o
khevz08 says
15 years ago
Pacquiao fights never fail to entertain. :-)
khevz08 is
15 years ago
hooked to J. Holiday Holiday Holiday's songs. LOL. Goodnight people. :-)
khevz08 is
15 years ago
tired after standing (again) for more than 2 hours in a bus. Ang bilis ng weekend. :-(
khevz08 is
15 years ago
calling it a day. Goodnight people. :-)