37Friends 203Fans
male Nashville, TN, United States
For over 25 years I hid my marketing background and posed as a member of the media.

Today I'm a music marketing guy and social networking advocate.
kevinmason says
12 years ago
Bono?! Seriously?! I may have to switch to Celebrity Apprentice. Ugh. #ACMs
kevinmason says
12 years ago
So have they worked out a sunglass endorsement deal for Eric Church yet? #ACMs
kevinmason says
12 years ago
The Band Perry and KISS together on the same stage would have been too bizarre... Lady A not so much. #ACMs
kevinmason says
12 years ago
Reba Dress Count: 2. #ACMs
kevinmason says
12 years ago
So many of the female artists change dresses throughout the ACM's, I was hoping Zak Brown would change knit caps... #ACMs
kevinmason says
12 years ago
Wow!  Two awards announced so far, and I'd call them both upset wins!  I LOVE it!   #ACMs
kevinmason says
12 years ago
I've been thru both my Facebok and Twitter streams and haven't seen one comment about Reba's FANCY red dress...
kevinmason says
13 years ago
So... I was wondering if Eli was going to Disney World.... Just saw the commercial... guess so
kevinmason says
13 years ago
I've been working all day & night on the new Dana McVicker website... So, did I miss anything tonight?
kevinmason says
13 years ago
Stay Frosty!