15Friends 109Fans
Santa Cruz, CA, United States
here's what i feel/ba ba ba ba/just want a girl as cool as kim deal
kuh-kuh-kendra has
14 years ago 7
tofu, tempeh, mushrooms, and onions. Is the possibility of a tofu scramble worth getting out of bed?
kuh-kuh-kendra says
14 years ago 10
You guys, my glass jar of change broke. (tears)
kuh-kuh-kendra loves
14 years ago 5
the Rocky Horror Picture Show, but hates the useless zombie state in which she finds herself every Sunday.
kuh-kuh-kendra says
14 years ago 16
Emptied the trash. And apparently all 7757 songs in my iTunes library along with it.
kuh-kuh-kendra says
14 years ago 6
It's that time again, friends. My hair has grown. Side bangs or straight bangs?
kuh-kuh-kendra shares
14 years ago 2
plain softcover moleskine: $19.43 at Borders (!!!). I paid in quarters. https://images.plurk.com/35452_f4a8fb530d2c77d9d7d1cdcf2cb1f8ed.jpg
kuh-kuh-kendra is
14 years ago 5
eating steak. Worst. Vegetarian. Ever.
kuh-kuh-kendra is
14 years ago 12
just had 12 tubes of blood siphoned out of her arm and will go crawl into a hole and die now okbye