11Friends 4Fans
female Arlington, VA, United States
Just trying to make some pretty things.
Lia says
12 years ago
plurk doesn't like me taking plurk vacations on the weekend.
Lia says
12 years ago 4
I've decide to be nerdy for halloween. a.costume {background: #000;}
Lia says
12 years ago
damn banging
Lia says
12 years ago
still recovering from yesterday's conference. now to figure out what to be for halloween...
Lia says
12 years ago 4
Ever want to just crawl in a hole somewhere and not come out for a while? Maybe you can keep me company.
Lia says
12 years ago
needs a mocha. sticks out hand
Lia says
12 years ago
so exciting! An Event Apart DC!
Lia says
12 years ago
it's a good day for a bike ride! Finally time to dust Liv off. distillery.s3.amazonaws....
Lia says
12 years ago
hobnobbing again!
Lia says
12 years ago 4 Flash Sale. Hardback Book Lamp Steamboat, 30% off