: how do you define a person that's half an optimism and half a pessimism . ><
: I realised that I hallucinate . :X
: I know it's never gonna work out so I'm gonna just let time do the healing . :X
: You see lah you ! You came into my life and now you're stuck in my head . ): !
: I'llmissALLofthem , T^T.
: It's time for me to wake up from my fantasy and face the reality .
: I didn't screw Home Econs , Home Econs screwed me , :X . Especially the cross-word and the unscrambling of words , ): .
: R.O.D rocked ,
: Seniors have stepped down , soon they will be leaving BP , ): .
: losing you is like losing a friend instead of a senior . :X