28Friends 8Fans
male Milan, Italy
WHAT? Have you never heard of *ME*? - You're in DEEP SHIT, you DON'T KNOW WHO I AM!!!! - And you're absolutely right, I guess I don't really know either.

I answer to many names, but people generally call me Kei, so please, use that.
7 years ago
Stalker mannequins v.v
7 years ago 1
I'm working on a picture I took in this sim, it's very different from the other snapshot I took there, the others are... creepy like this one. Like, VERY creepy. Resting bitch face at its max power.
7 years ago
I was wandering around randomly in a sim and someone took a picture of me then IMmed me the flickr link... I was SO happy!
7 years ago 2
My creative side and my will to go to SL is really, really dying of tiredness lately. That's bad because I want to keep in touch with people who are there. But I'm always like ".... no, tomorrow".
7 years ago
Very busy with showing a room in my house to potential house mates lately. Sounds like there's a river of possibilities, but not much time to show the place, at least until next week...
7 years ago 5
I feel horrible these days, like, no energies for anything - yay summer + tasks to do irl -
7 years ago 1
Yumi tries to be SRS at kreaokuroi_kujisawa 's store, not knowing there is a law that clearly forbids it.
7 years ago 2
Waiting for a costumer for a photoshoot, I wonder if maybe I'm too manly for him... XD XD
7 years ago 1
Late at the memory lane thingie, when I opened my SL folder I realized thespam was way too much, so I dropped a folder....
7 years ago 2
Sometimes I think my crow Hope is judging me...