45Friends 18Fans
female Meriden, CT, United States
Knitter, spinner, crafter! Retired weaving instructor.
NanaMama says
12 years ago 1
Time for bargin shopping. Wrappings for next year.
NanaMama says
12 years ago 4
Merry Christmas to you all! (heart)
NanaMama says
12 years ago
Today is the longest day for a 5 year old. I love her excitement. So precious! (dance)
NanaMama says
12 years ago
Grocery shopping early this morning before the rush! :'-(
NanaMama says
12 years ago
(woot) no email all weekend. Cox Comm. down in 13 states.
NanaMama says
12 years ago
Hurry up Xmas. I'm ready! p.s. a little snow wouldn't hurt!
NanaMama says
12 years ago
Forecasted snow - NOT. Love snow on Xmas lights. Bummer!
NanaMama says
12 years ago 7
(woot) 13 inches of snow. Weathermen got it all wrong, again!
NanaMama thinks
12 years ago 3
We are in the middle of a blizzard. Enough bad weather already!
NanaMama says
12 years ago
Up early, at least according to clock!